Jawaban "1. ESSAY Read The Text And Answer The Question No 41 ! One Of The Biggest Achievements Of Modern Civ…"

Berlatih materi pelajaran dengan metoda menyelesaikan contoh pertanyaan ternyata lebih mudah bila dibandingkan dengan hanya membacanya saja. Dengan metoda ini teman-teman akan lebih cepat menangkap intisari dari mata pelajaran tsb sehingga dapat membantu kita dalam menghadapi tes.

By the way, kami telah menyiapkan 1 jawaban atas 1. ESSAY Read the text and answer the question no 41 ! One of the biggest achievements of modern civ…. Monggo pelajari kunci jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah:

Read The Text And Answer The Question No 41 !
One Of The Biggest Achievements Of Modern Civilisation Is The Internet.
It Is Like A Giant Spider Web That Connects Millions Of People Through
electronic, Wireless, And Optical Networking Technologies. The Internet
blurs The Concept Of Distance By Connecting People From All Over The World
in Real Time.
The Internet Is Reshaping Traditional Forms Of Communication Such
as Telephone, Music, Movies, And Television. Intercontinental Calls Are Now
possible Through Messenger Applications. People Now Watch Movies And
television Series On Online Platforms Like YouTube And Netflix. Human Interactions Are Also Changing
with The Emergence Of Instant Messaging, Internet Forums, And Social Networking.
What Do People Think About The Internet?​

Jawaban: #1:


The internet

blurs the concept of distance by connecting people from all over the world

in real time.

The internet i


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