Jawaban "1. These Forests Have Existed For Million Of Years And They Have Much To Offer Us. What Does Rhe Wor…"

Apa kamu sering diberi pekerjaan rumah oleh guru? Tapi kamu bingung untuk menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada beberapa strategi untuk menyelesaikan soal tsb, termasuk dengan bertanya pada orang tua. Selain itu, mendapatkan jawabannya di internet bisa saja jadi trik jitu saat ini.

Kami sudah menyiapkan 1 kunci jawaban mengenai 1. These forests have existed for million of years and they have much to offer us. What does rhe wor…. Silakan pelajari jawabannya lebih lanjut disini:

1. These Forests Have Existed For Million Of Years And They Have Much To Offer Us.
What Does Rhe Word “they” Refer To?

2. Our Government Realized This And Has Taken Some Step To Prevent The Destruction.
What Do The Words “the Prevent” Mean?

3. What Will Happen If The Cutting Down Of The Forest Trees Continues?

4. What Can Forest Give Up?

5. These Projects Are As Important As Other Big Development Projects.
What Does The Word “these Projects” Refer To?

Jawaban: #1:
1. The Forests

2. keep (something) from happening

3. that population won’t stop growing but oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce.

4. Forests are important in increasing the amount and quality of drinking water available to people and also are important in providing us with oxygen.  provide us with lumber for building and wood that is used to make a variety of products such as furniture, containers, and paper.

an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.

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