Jawaban "4. What Is The Purpose Of The Lyrics? 5. How Is The Rhyme Scheme Of The Lyrics Above?​"

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4. What Is The Purpose Of The Lyrics?

5. How Is The Rhyme Scheme Of The Lyrics Above?​

Jawaban: #1:


Song : Anytime you need a friend


4. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang persahabatan. Jika kita merasa sendiri dan merasa terkepung oleh masalah, sahabat sejati pasti akan menangis bersama kita, dan bukannya tertawa di atas tangisan kita. Mariah juga menyampaikan pesan agar janganlah kita takut sendiri, karena seorang sahabat tidak akan membiarkan sahabatnya terpuruk dalam kesendirian. (This song tells about friendship. If we feel alone and feel surrounded by problems, true friends will surely cry with us, instead of laughing over our cries. Mariah also conveyed a message that we should not be afraid of being alone, because a friend will not let her best friend fall into solitude.)

Lyrically, the song’s protagonist tells her love interest that anytime he may ne friend,she will be there unconditionally for him. Throughout the song’s bridge and climax, critics noted the lyrics altering from those of a friend, to those of a lover.

5. Closed Rhyme

Closed RhymeThe rhyme is the final syllable with a vowel followed by the same consonant.

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