Jawaban "The Ring Is Expensive. But The Bracelet Is . . . The Ring"
Lagi cari ulasan tentang The ring is expensive. But the bracelet is . . . the ring? Kalau benar, anda telah ada di web yang benar.
Oh ya, kami telah menyusun 2 kunci jawaban atas The ring is expensive. But the bracelet is . . . the ring. OK, langsung saja pelajari jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah:
The Ring Is Expensive. But The Bracelet Is . . . The Ring
Jawaban: #1:
the ring is expensive but the bracelet is more expensive than the ring
cincinya sangat mahal tapi gelangnya lebih mahal dari cicin
maaf kalau salah soalnya pertanyaannya sedikit membingungkan
Jawaban: #2:
The ring is expensive but the bracelet is cheaper than the ring.
We can see that the blank answer is in between the two nouns; thus, it is a comparison expression. If we look at the but linking word, it could mean that is showing the contrast between two things; the ring is expensive but the bracelet is cheap.
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Kalau kamu masih ada tugas lainnya, silahkan cari juga cara menyelesaikannya di web ini.
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