Jawaban "Comblie These Sentences With Such …Thot Or So That 1. I Was Thirsty I Can't Continue The Journey 2…"

Lagi mencari ulasan tentang Comblie these sentences with such …Thot or so that 1. I was thirsty I can’t continue the journey 2…? Bila iya, kamu sudah ada di tempat yang tepat.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyusun 2 jawaban tentang Comblie these sentences with such …Thot or so that 1. I was thirsty I can’t continue the journey 2…. Okay, langsung saja baca cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut disini:

Comblie These Sentences With Such …Thot Or So That

1. I Was Thirsty
I Can’t Continue The Journey
2. Gand Is A Very Humorous Boy
Everyone Loughs When He Jokes
3. It Was A Horrible Cake
I Couldn’t Finish Got Any Of It
Mr. Amor W0s A Hard Worker
He Got Promotion
Rani Is Clever
She Always Gets O Good Score​

Jawaban: #1:


Comblie these sentences with such …Thot or so that

1. I was thirsty. I can’t continue the journey

2. Gand is a very humorous boy. Everyone loughs when he Jokes

3. I couldn’t finish got any of it. . It was a horrible cake. I

4. Mr. Amor w0s a hard worker. He got promotion

5. Rani is clever She always gets o good score

(Translate / Terjemahan)

Gabungkan kalimat-kalimat ini dengan seperti … Thot or so that

1. Saya haus. Saya tidak bisa melanjutkan perjalanan

2. Gand adalah anak yang sangat humoris. Semua orang mengeluh saat bercanda

3. Saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan semuanya. Itu adalah kue yang mengerikan.

4. Pak Amor adalah seorang pekerja keras. Dia mendapat promosi

5. Rani pandai Dia selalu mendapat nilai bagus

Jawaban: #2:

  1. I was thirsty so I can’t continue the journey.
  2. Gand is a very humorous boy so Everyone laughs when he jokes.
  3. I couldn’t finish got any of it, that it was a horrible cake.
  4. Mr. Amor was a hard worker, so he got promoted.
  5. Rani is clever so she always got a goof score.

semoga membantu

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