Jawaban "Task 5. Arrange The Following Sentences To Form A Sequential Dialog Yana : That’s A Good Point. Well…"

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By the way, kami sudah memiliki 1 jawaban mengenai Task 5. Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential dialog Yana : That’s a good point. Well…. Monggo lihat cara menjawabnya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Task 5. Arrange The Following Sentences To Form A Sequential Dialog Yana : That’s A Good Point. Well, I Hope You Can Learn Many Thing During Your Visit In Japan. Then, You Can Share Your Experience With Us. Yana : I Just Received News That You Would Be Going To Japan. On What Occasion? Yana : I Agree, But I Think Fixing Such Habits Is Difficult. Yana : You Mean We Are Not Discipline? Anggi : I Hope So. Wish Me Luck. Anggi : In Your Opinion, Are We Discipline Or Not? You See, We Need To Develop Ourselves Related To Discipline. Let Me Tell You This. We Are Still Not Disciplined. Here Are The Examples. When Attending A Student Council Meeting, Most Of Us Come Late And We Consider It Normal. Many Bikers Or Drivers Stop On The Left Side Although There Is A Sign That Turning Left Directly Is Allowed. Many Bikers Also Ride Their Bikes On The Pavement. Anggi : I Have An Opportunity To Study The Japanese People’s Culture, Including Their Work Ethic Of Discipline. Anggi : Nope! I Don’t Agree With You. You Know, We Should Start Being Discipline From Ourselves. Only After That, We Can Ask Others To Follow Our Habits. We Also Need To Explain The Benefits Of Being Discipline. ​

Jawaban: #1:


Yana : I just received news that you would be going to Japan. On what occasion?

Anggi : I have an opportunity to study the Japanese people’s culture, including their work ethic of discipline.

Anggi : In your opinion, are we discipline or not? You see, we need to develop ourselves related to discipline. Let me tell you this. We are still not disciplined. Here are the examples. When attending a student council meeting, most of us come late and we consider it normal. Many bikers or drivers stop on the left side although there is a sign that turning left directly is allowed. Many bikers also ride their bikes on the pavement.

Yana : You mean we are not discipline?

Anggi : Nope! I don’t agree with you. You know, we should start being discipline from ourselves. Only after that, we can ask others to follow our habits. We also need to explain the benefits of being disciplined.

Yana : I agree, but I think fixing such habits is difficult.

Yana : That’s a good point. Well, I hope you can learn many thing during your visit in Japan. Then, you can share your experience with us. Yana : I just received news that you would be going to Japan.

Anggi : I hope so. Wish me luck.

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