Jawaban "Change These Active Sentence Into Passive Sentence 1. Native Groups Should Obey The Adat Law. 2. The…"

Selain memahami teori, sobat juga perlu mempelajari soal. Latihan soal tes akan membantu teman-teman mendapatkan hasil optimal dari proses belajar menyelesaikan latihan soalnya. Mengerjakan ulang contoh soal peer akan membuat anak memahami pola penyelesaian soal PR termasuk proses untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari pertanyaan tsb. Membaca pembahasan soal saat tidak tahu akan membantu memperoleh pemahaman.

Kami telah memiliki 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai Change these active sentence into passive sentence 1. Native groups should obey the adat Law. 2. The…. Tak perlu panjang lebar, langsung saja pelajari cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Change These Active Sentence Into Passive Sentence 1. Native Groups Should Obey The Adat Law. 2. The Prosecutor Is Questioning The Man In The Court. 3. Many Historians Questioned The Exact Motive For This Division. 4. The Government Has Increased The Price Of Oil. 4. The Students Submit Their Paper 6. The Secretary Will Report The Monthly Report To The Bos.​

Jawaban: #1:


Passive Voice

1) The adat Law should be obied by native groups.

2) The man is being questioned in the court by the prosecutor.

3) The exact motive were questioned for this division by many question.

4) Their paper are submitted by the students.

5) The monthly will be report to the bos by the secretary.


I hope this help

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