Jawaban "Changer The Active Sentence To Passive Sentence 1. I Drive A Cat To The Mall 2. We Eat Meat Ball 3…."

Changer The Active Sentence To Passive Sentence 1. I Drive A Cat To The Mall 2. We Eat Meat Ball 3…. termasuk salah satu pertanyaan yang banyak dicari dan dapat teman-teman temukan solusinya disini.

Btw, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 jawaban dari changer the active sentence to passive sentence 1. i Drive a cat to the mall 2. we eat meat ball 3….. Monggo lihat cara menyelesaikannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Changer The Active Sentence To Passive Sentence

1. I Drive A Cat To The Mall
2. We Eat Meat Ball
5. I Have Read The Book
6. She Draws A Mountain
7. They Try New Menu The Restaurant
8. We Watch The Movie At Netflix
9. My Friend And I Write A Latter
10. My Brother And I Are Going To The Mall

Jawaban: #1:

1. A cat driven by me to the mall

2. the meat ball eaten by we

3. in the night the steak had eaten by me

4. the game played by me

5. the book i have read

6. mountain drawed by she

7. new menu the restaurant tryed by them

8. the movie at netflix watched by we

9. a letter writed by me and my friend

10. the mall are visited by my brother and i

semoga bisa sedikit membantu

Bagaimana? Sudah ketemu cara menjawab mengenai “changer the active sentence to passive sentence 1. i Drive a cat to the mall 2. we eat meat ball 3….” kan? Semoga solusi tadi bisa mempercepat pengerjaan tugas sobat.

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Disclaimer: Tiada gading yang tak retak, menggunakan berbagai referensi akan lebih baik.