Jawaban "Mencari Report Text Tentang Hotels?"

Lagi mencari kunci jawaban tentang mencari report text tentang hotels?? Bila iya, anda sudah berada di situs yang benar.

Kami telah memiliki 1 cara menyelesaikan atas mencari report text tentang hotels?. Monggo baca cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut disini:

Mencari Report Text Tentang Hotels?

Jawaban: #1:
Hotel ?
Ini dia.. maaf kalau kurang memuaskan ya ^^

People usually need to stay in a hotel for one or two days if they travel far from home. They sometimes need hotels when they arrive in towns late at night. They need to stay as they do not have any family there. 
Hotels are places that provide lodging and it is sometimes provide meals and various personal service for the hotel guests. A good hotel provide many comforts and conveniences. Agood hotels also provides best services to the visitors. 
Hotels with hundred rooms are common. People can find the advertisements of the hotels in newspaper, brochures, magazines and internet. Downtown hotels survive because of some reasons. First, business travelers wish to stay close to the offices they plan to visit. Second, the location of the airport is near from the hotels. 

Gimana? Sudah dapat jawabannya kan? Diharapkan informasi di atas bisa mempercepat penyelesaian tugas anda.

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