Jawaban "Read The Text About Emoticons On The Right. Then Discuss The Questions. 1 How Are Emoticons Differen…"

Sedang mencari ulasan tentang Read the text about emoticons on the right. Then discuss the questions. 1 How are emoticons differen…? Bila benar, sobat telah ada di halaman yang tepat.

By the way, kami telah menyiapkan 1 kunci jawaban atas Read the text about emoticons on the right. Then discuss the questions. 1 How are emoticons differen…. Silakan baca kunci jawabannya selengkapnya disini:

Read The Text About Emoticons On The Right. Then Discuss The Questions.
1 How Are Emoticons Different In The Eastern Hemisphere And The Western Hemisphere?
2. Do You Use Emoticons In Your Texts And Online Messages?
3. Which Emoticons Do You Use In The Article? Which Other Emoticons Do You Often Use?​

Jawaban: #1:

1. In the Eastern hemisphere, the eyes are very important, but in the western hemisphere, the mouth is very important.

2. Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

3. (tulis emoji yang kamu pakai)

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