Jawaban "The Following Text Is For Question No. 8-9. Carlos (17 Years Old): I Think That The Biggest Problem…"

Nah .. Bila sobat mau menemukan cara mengerjakan mengenai pertanyaan The following text is for question No. 8-9. Carlos (17 years old): I think that the biggest problem…, maka teman-teman sudah ada di halaman yang tepat.

Btw, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara mengerjakan tentang The following text is for question No. 8-9. Carlos (17 years old): I think that the biggest problem…. Monggo pelajari cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

The Following Text Is For Question No. 8-9.
Carlos (17 Years Old):
I Think That The Biggest Problem Facing Teenagers Is Gangs. Gangs Are A Big Problem Because
1 They Give False Hope To Teenagers. Teenagers Think They Are Protected By The Gangs They Join 1
They Get Involved In Gang Violence; They, Then, Become Trouble Makers. Gangs Also Hurt
people, And They Tag Many Places. They Also Steal From People’s Houses And Stores.

8. Why Is The GANGS Cause Big Problem?
9. Do You Agree With Carlos’ Opinion? Explain Your Opinion!

Jawaban: #1:


8. Because 1 They give youths false hope to teenagers.

9.no, because it is normal for gangs who like to help people, not all gangs are bad, some are good


Semoga membantu kakak :]

Kalau salah saya mohon maaf kakak 😀

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