Jawaban "Arrange The Following Words Into A Good Sentence 1. Greatly – The Science – Of Aviation – Developed…"

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Kami telah menyusun 1 ulasan tentang arrange the following words into a good sentence 1. Greatly – the science – of aviation – developed…. Monggo lihat cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

Arrange The Following Words Into A Good Sentence

1. Greatly – The Science – Of Aviation – Developed – Has – Over – The Years
2. Leonardoda Vinci – Experimental Models – Made – Of Flying Machines – In The Fifteenth Century
3. Made – A Frechman, De Rogier,-in 1783 – The First Baloon Flight
4. An Englishman,henson,-of Asteam – Powered Aircraft – Made A Model – In 1842
5. In 1853 – Henry Gifford – The First Steam – Powered,lighter – Than-aircraf – Flew
6. Otto Lilienthal – The First Glider – Mode – In 1891 – In Germany
7. By The Nort Americans, Orville And Wilbur Wright,-the First Engine – Powered, Heavier – Than Air Planes – In The Early Twentieth Century – Were Made And Flown – And The Brazillian, Alberto Santos – Dumont

mohon Bantuannya​

Jawaban: #1:


1. The science of aviation has developed greatly over the years.

2. Leonardo da Vinci made experimental models of flying machines in the fifteenth century.

3. A frenchman, De Rogier, made the first balloon flight in 1783.

4. An englishman, Henson, made a model of a steam powered aircraft in 1842.

5. Henry Gifford flew the first steam powered, lighter than air craft in 1853.

6. Otto Lilienthat made the first glider in Germany in 1891.

7. The first engine powered, heavier than air planes were made and flown in the early twentieth century by the North Americans, Orville and Wilbur Wright and the Brazillian, Alberti Santos-Dumont. (yg ini juga kalimatnya tulis yg bener)

Itulah jawaban mengenai pekerjaan rumah di atas, semoga bisa bermanfaat!

NB: Gunakan solusi di atas dengan bijak. Bila anda belum yakin, cobalah untuk mencari sumber referensi lainnya yang lebih terpercaya.