Jawaban "Change These Sentences Into Passiv Voice 1. The Seller Has Already Shipped My Orders? 2. She Has Del…"

Apakah kamu lebih nyaman memakai cara belajar dengan mendapatkan cara menyelesaikannya di website? Jika benar, maka kamu banyak temannya.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metoda belajar dengan trik menemukan ulasannya dapat meningkatkan hasil ujian pada pelajaran.

Kami telah menyusun 1 cara menyelesaikan atas Change these sentences into passiv voice 1. The seller has already shipped My orders? 2. She has del…. Monggo baca cara menyelesaikannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Change These Sentences Into Passiv Voice
1. The Seller Has Already Shipped My Orders?
2. She Has Deleted The Unwanted App?
3. I Still Haven’t Watched The Video?
4. Hape They Received The Documents?
5. Someone Had Stolen A Motorcycle Last Night?
6. Joey Had Read There Books Last Month?
7. Sue Had Made Dinner For The Family?
8. Somebody Will Clean The Room Later?
9. Ia He Going To By A New Car Next Month?
10. They Will Not Use The Computers And Hour Later?

Jawaban: #1:


1. my orders has already been shipped by the seller

2. the unwanted app has been deleted by her


4. the documents have been received by them

5. a motorcycle had stolen last night by someone

6. their books has been read last month by joey

7. dinner for the family made by sue

8.  the room will be cleaned later


10. the computers will not be used an hour later (by them)

Kalau sobat masih memiliki pekerjaan rumah lainnya, silahkan temukan juga cara menjawabnya di halaman ini.