Jawaban "Conditiona Type I 1. If They _____ (wake Up) Early, They _____ (arrive) On Time 2. He _____ (teach)…"

Belajar pelajaran dengan metoda menjawab contoh tanya jawab ternyata lebih mudah bila dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan metoda ini anda akan lebih mudah menangkap intisari dari pelajaran tsb sehingga bisa membantu kamu dalam menghadapi tes.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 jawaban tentang Conditiona type I 1. If they _____ (wake up) early, they _____ (arrive) on time 2. He _____ (teach)…. Monggo baca cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

Conditiona Type I

1. If They _____ (wake Up) Early, They _____ (arrive) On Time
2. He _____ (teach) Me How To Make Tiramisu If I ____ (go) To Italy
3. Your Father ____ (get) Angry If He _____ (find Out) You Smoke
4. If He ____ (fail) The Coming Exam, His Parents ____ (be) Very Sad
5. If You _____ (eat) A Lot Of Sweets, You ____ (have) Cavities

Conditiona Type II

1. If I Were You, I ___ (convince)
2. If I Had Enough Money, I ____ (travel) Abroad
3. If Matrix _____ (drive) Carefully, He ___ (not Have) Any Accident
4. He ____ (look) Better If He Didn’t Have His Hair Dyed
5. Life Would Be Much Better If There ____(be) No War

Conditional Type III

1. If I Had Known You Lied To Me, I ________ (give) You A Second Chance
2. If Charlene Hadn’t Been So Careless, She _______ (not Lose) All Money.
3. Joey _____ (win) If He Had Not Fallen Over
4. She Wouldn’t Have Helped You If You ___ (not Ask) Her
5. Geller Would Not Have Stomach-ache If He ______ (eat) Spicy Meatballs

Tollong Dong​

Jawaban: #1:
Conditional type 1
1. Wake up, will arrive on time
2. Will teach, go
3. Will get, find out
4. Fail, will be
5. Eat, will have

Conditional type 2
1. Would convinced
2. Would travelled
3. Drove, wouldn’t had
4. Would looked
5. Was

Conditional type 3
1. Would’ve given
2. Wouldn’t have lost
3. Would’ve won
4. haven’t asked
5. Haven’t eaten

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