Jawaban "Funny Story In School Plis Buat Presentasi ​"

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Oh ya, kami sudah memiliki 1 ulasan atas funny story in school plis buat presentasi ​. Silakan pelajari cara menyelesaikannya selanjutnya disini:

Funny Story In School
plis Buat Presentasi ​

Jawaban: #1:


funny stories at school example

: today at school I was going to clean the class, but there was a friend of mine who threw away the banana peel garbage carelessly I scolded him but he stuck out his tongue and ran out of the classroom but he slipped on the garbage he threw away myself I laughed and scolded him


when I was about to have a school ceremony I was in a hurry so I wore a brown hat instead of a brown/red(SD)/blue(junior high school)/grey(high school) hat I was laughed at by my friends “I was embarrassed and went back to class

Gimana? Sudah dapat cara menyelesaikannya kan? Semoga jawaban di atas bisa mempercepat pengerjaan peer sobat.

Kalau teman-teman mempunyai pekerjaan rumah lainnya, silahkan cari juga cara mengerjakannya di tempat ini.

Pesan Mimin: Jangan lupa cek & ricek lagi jawaban sebelum menyetorkannya. Semoga benar semua ya ..