Jawaban "In Feeding, Swift Course Tirelessly Back And Forth, Capturing In Open Theyaso Drink, Bathe And Mate…"

In Feeding, Swift Course Tirelessly Back And Forth, Capturing In Open Theyaso Drink, Bathe And Mate… termasuk salah satu soal yang banyak dicari dan bisa kamu baca jawabannya disini.

By the way, kami telah menyusun 1 kunci jawaban tentang In feeding, swift course tirelessly back and forth, capturing in open Theyaso drink, bathe and mate…. Monggo lihat kunci jawabannya selengkapnya di bawah:

In Feeding, Swift Course Tirelessly Back And Forth, Capturing In
open Theyaso Drink, Bathe And Mate In Flight. They Fly With Relative
cimitar-iibe Design Of The Wings Makes Them The Most Efficient Amor
Fastest Of Smal Birds, Swifts Are Believed To Reach Tho Km Per Hour Reg
known To Take Swifts With Regulanty Are Larger Falcons.
The Swifts Nest Is Made Of Evergreen Leaves, Buch, Moss, Or Fed
divato The Wall Of A Cove Or The Inside Of A Chimney, Rock Crack, Orh​

Jawaban: #1:


There is some mistaken words in the text:

1) Theyaso= They also

2) cimitar-iibe= similar type

3) amor= among

4) tho= two

5) regulanty= regularly


Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Subbab: Find the mistaken words


Nah itulah cara menjawab mengenai soal di atas, semoga bermanfaat!

Pesan Mimin: Harap gunakan solusi di atas dengan bijak. Kalau kamu tidak yakin, silahkan gunakan sumber referensi lainnya yang lebih terpercaya.