Jawaban "She Bought Four Apples. We Join The Match Lastman. The Man Stole The Red Cup. The Policeman Have Res…"

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Btw, kami sudah menyusun 1 ulasan atas She bought four apples. We join the match lastman. The man stole the red cup. The policeman have res…. Silakan baca cara mengerjakannya selengkapnya di bawah ini:

She Bought Four Apples. We Join The Match Lastman. The Man Stole The Red Cup. The Policeman Have Rested The Thief. Jack Will Sweep The Flor. Jadikan Kalimat Pasif

Jawaban: #1:
Four apples were bought (by her).
The match was joined (by us) last ? *soal tidak jelas*
The red cup was stolen by the man.
The thief has been arrested by the policemen.
The floor will be swept by Jack.

Nah itulah cara menyelesaikan tentang “She bought four apples. We join the match lastman. The man stole the red cup. The policeman have res…” yang dapat kami infokan, semoga bisa bermanfaat!