Jawaban "Thalia : Rhutt! Where Are You? Rhutt : Yeah,thalia. I'm Coming . What's Going On? Thalia : Look! Wha…"

Selain mengerti teori, anak juga butuh latihan soal peer. Mempelajari soal akan membantu anak didik mendapatkan hasil optimal dari proses belajar menyelesaikan latihan soalnya. Menyelesaikan ulang contoh soal PR akan membuat kamu mengerti pola penyelesaian soal peer termasuk proses untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari soal tsb. Membaca pembahasan soal ketika terlupa justru akan membantu memperoleh pemahaman.

Kami sudah memiliki 2 ulasan atas thalia : rhutt! where are you? rhutt : yeah,thalia. I’m coming . what’s going on? thalia : look! wha…. Silakan baca cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Thalia : Rhutt! Where Are You?
Rhutt : Yeah,thalia. I’m Coming . What’s Going On?
Thalia : Look! What Are You Doing With The Floor? It’s Very Dirty!
Rhutt : You Know , I Have Made Hand Made From The Ground
Thalia : I Don’t Want To Know , Sweep The Floor Before Mummy Comes
Rhutt : Ok,never Mind
1. What Are They Talking About?
2. Why Did Thalia Get Angry To Rhutt?
3. What Did Rhutt Do To The Floor?
4. What Did Thalia Ask Rhutt To?
5. What Is The Relationship Between Thalia And Rhutt Probably?

Rika : Hi,good Morning Tika
Tika : Good Morning Rika
Rika : Have You Received A Birthday Card Form Haruka?
Tika : Yes,I Have
Rika : Will You Come Then?
Tika : I’m Afraid I Can’t. I’ii Have A Basket Ball Match On That Day. Let’s Buy A Birthday. Gift For Here . I Hope You Don’t Mind Giving If To Her On Her Birthday Party.
Rika : Of,course
Tika : Let’s Go Then
Rika : Okay

1. What Is The Text About?
2. Who Will Celebrate The Birthday Party ?
3. Will Tika Come. To The Party? Why?
4. What Will They Do?
5. What Is The Relationship Between Thalia And Rhutt Probably?

Tolong Bantu Jawab Yah 🙂 Soalnya Besok Mau Dikumpulkan 🙂 Please …

Jawaban: #1:
dialogue 1.
1. they’re talking about dirty floor.
2. Because Rhutt makes the floor dirty.
3. made hand made from the ground (ini memang text aslinya?)
4. She wants Rhutt to sweep the floor.
5. They’re (probably) a sisters

Dialogue 2.
1. The text is about a birthday party.
2. Haruka
3. She won’t, she had basketball match on that day.
4. they will buy a gift for Haruka.
5. ini bukannya pertanyaan dialog 1?

Jawaban: #2:
1.) percakapan
2.) haruka
3.) karena tika ada pertandingan bola basket
4.)membeli kado
5.) –

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