Jawaban "The Following Text Is For Questions 6 To 9. There Are Several Kinds Of Kangaroos. Grey Ones And Brow…"

Bila sobat ingin mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan The following text is for questions 6 to 9. There are several kinds of kangaroos. Grey ones and brow…, maka anda sudah ada di tempat yang tepat.

Kami telah menyusun 2 kunci jawaban dari The following text is for questions 6 to 9. There are several kinds of kangaroos. Grey ones and brow…. Silakan pelajari cara menyelesaikannya selengkapnya disini:

The Following Text Is For Questions 6 To 9.

There Are Several Kinds Of Kangaroos. Grey Ones And Brown Ones Are The Most Common. Brown Kangaroos Are The Largest. They Live In Hot, Dry Regions That Are A Lot Like Deserts. When A Baby Kangaroo Is Born, It Is No Bigger Than A Cube Of Sugar. It Grows Inside The Pouch On Its Mother’s Belly. After About Five Months, The Baby Called A Joey Starts To Poke Out Its Head. The Joey Is Very Shy. At 7 Months, It Will Occasionally Leave The Pouch, But Jump Backs In At The Slightest Danger. At The 8 Months, The Joey Is Too Big To Stay In Its Pouch. Sometimes It Rubs Its Nose Against It Mother’s As If They Were Giving Each Other A Kiss. Like You, Kangaroos Have Five Fingers On Each Hand To Put Leaves In Their Mouths.They Also Like To Graze While Supporting Themselves On Their Front Paws. Kangaroos Are Very Clean Animals. After They Have Eaten, They Clean Their Teeth By Rubbing Them With Their Paws. When It Gets Too Hot, A Kangaroo Will Lick Its Arms To Refresh Itself. The Father Kangaroo Is About Two Times As Heavy As The Mother. Kangaroos Have Ears As Large As Your Mother’s Hands. In Order To Hear Better, They Can Twist Them In Every Direction. They Can Bounce Up 9 Meters, The Length Of A Lorry. Kangaroos Entertain Themselves By Boxing. They Hit Each Other With Their Fists Like Real Boxers. Their Tail Is Very Muscular And Serve As A Third Leg. Several Times A Day, Kangaroos Stretch Themselves Out On Their Backs Or Bellies To Relax.(source: Tammi Reichel. (2000), Zoom And Kangaroos)

6.What Is The Main Idea Of Paragraph 1?
A.There Are Several Kinds Of Kangaroos.
B.Brown Kangaroos Are The Largest Kangaroos.
C.Kangaroos Live In Hot, Dry Regions.
D.A Baby Kangaroo Is Called A Joey.

7.Why Do Kangaroos Sit On Their Tail As If It Were As A Tool?Because…
A. Their Tail Is Very Strong
B.their Legs Are Strong Like A Tool.
C.their Body Is Very Tall.
D.their Muscle Is Great.

8.How Does A Kangaroo Grow Up?
A.It Grows Up Beside Its Mother Until 8 Months..
B.It Grows Up Happily With Its Parents And Siblings.
C.It Stays In Its Mother’s Pouch From A New Born Baby To 8 Months
D.It Gets Bigger Inside The Pouch Of Its Mother’s Tummy Until 7 Months.

9.From The Text, We Know That…
A.Two Kinds Of Kangaroos Live In A Cold Place, And Like Stretching Themselves To Relax.
B.Kangaroos Eat Leaves And Grass Using Their Fingers And Paws.
C.Kangaroos Swim In The River To Clean And Refresh Their Body.
D.The Father And Mother Kangaroos Have The Same Size Of Body And Weight.

Tolonggg Yah Jawab Beserta Alasannya Yah…

Jawaban: #1:
6.A, Karena di paragraf pertama menjelaskan tentang macam2 kangguru
7.A, Karena di teks dijelaskan bahwa ekornya memiliki otot dan sangat kuat, bahkan seperti kaki ketiga
8.C,Karena memang dijelaskan bahwa, kangguru dibesarkan didalam kantong perut ibunya, dari lahir sampai berusia 8 bulan, karena saat dia berusia 8 bulan, tubuhnya sudah tidak muat lagi di kantong.
9.B, Karena di teks dijelaskan bahwa kangguru memiliki 5 jari seperti jari tangan manusia, untuk memasukkan (memakan) dedaunan ke mulut mereka
Jawaban: #2:
6. B

6.Because its discussing info about the brown ones.
karena membicarakan info tentang yg berbulu coklat.

7.It says there,that their tail are muscular.
disitu dikatakan,bahwa ekornya berotot/kuat.

8.It says there,that the kangaroos will stay until 7 months old. If at the age of 8 month it’ll be too big to stay at the pouch.
disitu dikatakan bahwa kanguru akan berdiam dikantungnya sampai 7 bulan. Jika sampai berumur 8 bulan sang kanguru akan terlalu besar untuk berada di kantungnya.

9.From the text,the only answer that make sense and similar is B.
dari text, yg masuk akal dan sama adalah jawaban B.

maaf jika ada salah…

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