Jawaban "Tolong Bantuannya Change The Following Sentences Into The Passive Voice. 1. Student Shall Hand In A…"

Di samping paham teori, teman-teman juga perlu mempelajari soal ujian. Mempelajari soal PR akan membantu kamu mendapatkan hasil baik dari proses belajar menyelesaikan latihan soalnya. Menyelesaikan ulang contoh soal ujian akan membuat teman-teman paham pola penyelesaian soal termasuk didalamnya proses untuk memperoleh solusi dari pertanyaan tsb. Melihat pembahasan soal saat tidak tahu akan membantu dalam pemahaman.

Btw, kami sudah mempunyai 1 kunci jawaban dari tolong bantuannya change the following sentences into the passive voice. 1. Student shall hand in a…. Silakan lihat kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Tolong Bantuannya
Change The Following Sentences Into The Passive Voice.
1. Student Shall Hand In A Lot Of School Projects Next Week
2. The Authorities Gathered The Journalists In The Press Room
3. The Writer Has Written The Lats Series Of His Novels
4. The Government Will Build A New Bridge
5. They Broke The New World Record

Jawaban: #1:
1. Student shall hand in a lot of school projects next week
passive : a lot of school projects shall be handed in by student next week.
2. the authorities gathered the journalists in the press room
passive : the journalists were gathered by authorities in the press room.
3. the writer has written the lats series of his novels
passive : the last series of his novels have been written by the writer.
4. the government will build a new bridge
passive : a new bridge will be built by the government.
5. they broke the new world record
passive : the new world record was broken by them.

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